- budget planning
- бюджетное планирование
English-russian accounting dictionary. 2014.
English-russian accounting dictionary. 2014.
Budget Planning Calendar — A schedule of activities that must be completed in order to create and develop a budget. Budget planning calendars are necessary for the creation of complex budgets used by large organizations. These organizations must usually harvest a great… … Investment dictionary
budget planning — The preparation of a budget for the national government, a state, a county, a town, a city, or other municipality; a part of the functions of personal debt adjusting. 15 Am Jur 2d Collect § 2 … Ballentine's law dictionary
BUDGET DE L’ÉTAT — Le budget, terme actuellement abandonné par le droit positif français qui lui préfère l’expression «loi de finances de l’année», est défini à l’article 2 de l’Ordonnance du 2 janvier 1959 portant «loi organique relative aux lois de finances»: «La … Encyclopédie Universelle
Planning the Low-Budget Film — is a book by Robert Latham Brown describing the processes involved in scheduling and budgeting motion pictures.Brown is a 30 year veteran of motion picture production and he uses his experiences on many well known films to illustrate his points.… … Wikipedia
Budget — Au sens strict, le budget est le document récapitulatif des recettes et des dépenses prévisionnelles d une entité (équipement, service, établissement) ou d un agent économique (un individu, un ménage, une entreprise, un État, etc.) pour un… … Wikipédia en Français
budget — 1 / bVdZKt/ noun (C) 1 a plan of how a person or organization will spend the money that is available in a particular period of time, or the money itself: planning the annual budget (+ of): a welfare program with a budget of $2 billion |… … Longman dictionary of contemporary English
budget — / bʌdʒɪt/ noun 1. a plan of expected spending and income for a period of time ● to draw up a budget for salaries for the coming year ● We have agreed the budgets for next year. 2. ♦ the Budget the annual plan of taxes and government spending… … Dictionary of banking and finance
budget — / bʌdʒɪt/ noun 1. a plan of expected spending and income for a period of time ● We have agreed the budgets for next year. 2. ♦ the Budget the annual plan of taxes and government spending proposed by a finance minister. In the UK, this is the… … Marketing dictionary in english
budget for — verb calculate enough money for; provide for in the budget I have not budgeted for these expensive meals • Hypernyms: ↑allow, ↑take into account • Verb Frames: Somebody s something Somebody s somebody * * * … Useful english dictionary
Budget Bureau — A bureau, headed by a Director, to assist the President in planning the budget to be submitted to Congress … Ballentine's law dictionary
Management and Planning Organisation of Iran — The Management and Planning Organisation of Iran was one of the largest governmental establishments in Iran. From 1948 until 2007 it was fully responsible for preparing the country s budget. [ [http://www.ifla.org/IV/ifla71/papers/011e Ansari.pdf … Wikipedia